
Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Tears and Hissy Fits

“I want my own way and if I don't get it I throw a hissy fit.” – Athena Dean, 2005

This is one reason why it was a real pleasure to read
The Sociopath Next Door. It explained so much of what Athena Dean put us all through.

Of course, as the author wrote, most people do not find out that they’re being
used and abused until their livelihoods are gone. As many have noticed, Athena Dean sure can turn the tears on and off to fit her desires. Why she could likely win an Oscar!

“Since the scaffolding of a life without a conscience is deception
and illusion, intelligent sociopaths often become proficient at acting, and even at some of the particular techniques employed by professional actors.

Crocodile tears at will are a sociopathic trademark
...Crocodile tears from the remorseless are especially likely when a conscience-bound person gets a little too close to confronting a sociopath with the truth. A sociopath who is about to be cornered by another person will turn suddenly into a piteous weeping figure whom no one, in good conscience, could continue to pressure.”

                         -- The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, PH.D.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

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